Webcat Tips
Here we describe demonstration user interface pages accessing Web API (SaaS) for automatic (by means of semi-supervised machine learning) classification of textual information Webcat as part of Webmine - knowledge mining and extraction system.
Warning: This is the test/demo UI system only, based on plain HTML and JavaScript, so the performance of UI operations is subject to major degradation. The user have to be patient - wait till the page content is updated upon any UI action. Also, contents of all lists is restricted down to 500 elements, so there is no way to deal say with all Categories in the Category System of 1000 categories.
Source: Combo-box lets you to specify the Document Source of interest - only the Documents for given Source wiull be displayed in the Documents list.
Documents: List displays all Documents in the Document Source. The documents could be the URLs or just a freetext entries. The text box and buttons below let you to change the Documents in the source, as follows.
- To Add a document to the source, type the URL in the <New document ...> box and click Add. Only the plain text and HTML documents are supported for now.
- To Delete a document from the source, select the document and click Delete
- To Update the document-per-category assignments for document, select the document and click Update
- To Save the current system state, click CommitDocument Tokens: Text area displays the ordered list of tokens (keywords) parsed out of the document currently selected in the Documents list.
Document Features: List displays the list of Feature tokens (keywords) parsed out of the document currently selected in the Documents list, ranked with numeric value and number of stars ("*", 0 to 10) - accordingly to the relevance of a feature to the document. List items are ordered accordingly to their confirmation status (value of feedback on user's behalf) and the numeric rank. The text box and buttons below let you to change the list of Feature tokens for the Document, as follows.
- To Add a Feature token (keyword) to the document, type the keyword in the <New document feature...> box and click Add
- To Confirm an assignment of a Feature token (keyword) to the document, select the feature and click Confirm. The confirmation enables you to set the three "confirmations states: "?" - Not confirmed (so that system derives its own point of view regarding the relevance of the feature to the document), "+" - Confirmed Positively (so that system trusts in you asserting the feature is highly relevant to the document) and " " - Confirmed Negatively (so that system trusts in you asserting the feature is not relevant to the document at all).Document Categories for Category System: Combo-box lets you to specify the Category System of the Categories of the interest - to be displayed in the list below.
Document Categories: List displays the list of Categories the document currently selected in the Document list is assigned to, ranked with numeric value and number of stars ("*", 0 to 10) - accordingly to the relevance of a category to the document. List items are restricted to categories under the category system specified above. Items are ordered accordingly to their confirmation status (value of feedback on user's behalf) and the numeric rank. The combo-box and buttons below let you to change the list of categories for the Document, as follows.
- To Add a Feature token (keyword) to the document, select the category in the combo-box and click Add
- To Confirm an assignment of the document to a category, select the category and click Confirm. The confirmation enables you to set the three "confirmations states: "?" - Not confirmed (so that system derives its own point of view regarding the relevance of the document to the category), "+" - Confirmed Positively (so that system trusts in you asserting the document is highly relevant to the category) and " " - Confirmed Negatively (so that system trusts in you asserting the document is not relevant to the category at all).
Source: http://www.webstructor.net/mineCategory System: Combo-box lets you to specify the Category System of interest - only the Categories for given Category System will be displayed in the Categories list.
Categories: List displays all Categories within the Category System. The text box and buttons below let you to change the categories within the category system, as follows.
- To Add a category to the category system, type the URL in the <New category name> box and click Add
- To Delete a category from the category system, select the category and click Delete
- To Update the feature-per-category assignments for category, select the category and click Update
- To Save the current system state, click CommitCategory Documents: The list is similar to the Document Categories list described above, with only difference that it displays not the categories per document but vice versa, for the category currently selected in the Categories list.
Document Text: Text area displays the original plain text (with any tags and formatting information suppressed) of document currently selected in the Category Documents list.
Category Features: The list is similar to the Document Features list described above, with only difference that it displays the features per category currently selected in the Categories list.
Category Document Features: The list is similar to the Document Features list described above, with only difference that it displays the features per document currently selected in the Category Documents list.