Integrated Seismic Tomography

* Anton G. Kolonin1


The integrated reconstruction of velocity sections (by travel times) and sections of unified absorption-scattering factor (by preprocessed amplitudes) is applied for wide range of seismic prospecting problems. The different data gathering schemes are considered for getting input for the tomography reconstruction. Along with conventional iterative algorithms, the new correction of back projection algorithm is developed. The special interpretative post-processing is applied for reconstructed sections in order to increase the geological comprehension.    


There are known techniques and applications of tomography approach [1] in seismic prospecting [2]. The techniques implement the various solutions for inverse seismic problem on the basis of integral geometry. The underlying algorithms are intended to reconstruct the function by the integrals of the function.

The approach is adapted from the medical tomography where the convolution – back projection algorithm is commonly used because of its high-resolution power. On the contrary, the geometrical conditions of the seismic survey do not enable to apply the conventional convolution – back projection algorithm and that is why iterative algorithms are commonly used in the seismic tomography even though the resolution power of the algorithms is not high enough. Many of existing seismic tomography techniques are oriented toward processing specific to travel times of amplitude data, which doesn’t enable to use the whole scope of seismic information. Also, some tomography processing algorithms are favorable for specific geometries of seismic data acquisition and pre-processing graphs. The latter makes it impossible to involve all possible seismic data into tomography inversion. Usually, the results of seismic tomography inversion are distorted with artifacts induced by the irregularity of the most of seismic data collection geometries, which makes it difficult to perform the geological interpretation of the obtained sections.

At the beginning of the research, we were considering this to be a vital problem to unify the different seismic acquisition geometries, processing of different types of seismic data and inversion of different characteristics of seismic waves under the one integrated approach, enabling the clear geological interpretation of the results.


The developed algorithmic framework [3,4] includes the ways to describe the geometry of any seismic data collection schemes including, but not limited to the following.

-      cross-borehole seismic (reconstruction of inter-borehole sections)

-      borehole-surface and surface-borehole seismic (reconstruction of near-borehole sections)

-      cross-mine underground seismic (reconstruction of inter-mine and inter-drift sections)

-      reflection wave seismic (reconstruction of vertical sections above the reflecting boundaries)

-      refraction waves seismic (reconstruction of horizontal sections within the refractive boundary)

The seismic data obtained with the geometries listed above may be transformed to unified representation so that the same reconstruction algorithms may be applied to any data in any possible combination. The Figure 1 illustrates the possible geometries for seismic surveys in the oil and gas industry. 



For the seismic inversion, the model presented on the Figure 2 is employed. It is assumed that seismic waves are propagating along the linear trajectories. The travel time is assumed to linearly depend on velocity while amplitude is assumed exponentially depending on thermal absorption and diffraction loss (scattering). The function to be reconstructed is described as matrix of cells where the value is constant within the cell. The input data are represented as set of rays for given source/shot point (SP) and receiver/geophone point

Figure 2

The model employed for the seismic tomography inversion

(GP) coordinates. 


Accordingly to the table below, the travel times as well as amplitudes may be reduced to abstract projection data to be considered as result as simple smoothing (integration) of the medium parameters (to be reconstructed) along the seismic ray trajectory. For the kinematic problem, the source value is the slowness (inverse to velocity) while the projection data are travel times normalized by the ray length. For the dynamic problem, the source value is the absorption-scattering factor while the projection data are logarithms of amplitudes normalized by the conditions in the source and geometric divergence normalized by the ray length. In such a case, the basic coefficients for the direct and inverse problems are determined as smoothing factors by each ray-cell pairs, separate rays and separate cells. In turn, the direct problem is described as smoothing of the source function over the ray trajectories. That is, the universal definition of the problem enables to build inversion algorithms for different medium parameters, different characteristics of seismic waves and different geometries of data collection.   




Processing of seismic wave amplitudes, reconstruction of absorption-scattering factor

Processing of seismic wave travel times, reconstruction of velocities

Input data  


Logarithms of normalized amplitudes, nep [nepers]

Travel time, sec [seconds]

Target parameter

Absorption-scattering factor,

nep/m [nepers by meters]

Slowness – inverse to velocity,

sec/m [seconds by meters].

1 /


Respectively, regardless of the input data and target parameter, the abstract direct projection data  may be simply derived from the average along the ray trajectory over the medium parameter .


For the high-resolution reconstruction of seismic sections, along with conventional iterative algorithms, we developed the correction of back projection (CBP) algorithm. The section of back projection is considered as result of double smoothing of the original section. The first smoothing is determined by the forward projection – the integral effect on the seismic wave traveling through the media. The second smoothing is determined by the back projection operation on itself. We can build the two-dimensional filter for such operation to be a typical smoothing filter.

From this perspective, the inverse problem gets reduced to the construction of the filter inverse to the smoothing filter denoted above. Then, the reconstruction is obtained by means of making two-dimensional convolution of the latter filter with the back projection section. Such inverse filter may be built within the approximation of locality of anomalies within the session. Irregularity of the data gathering geometry conditions variable functions for the smoothing and inverse filters, depending on the coordinates of the each cell of reconstruction relatively to the ray trajectories. Because of this reason, the algorithmic implementation of the entire transformation may be reduced to the direct computation given the forward-backward projection operator and the back projection section. That is, the conventional Radon Transform (differentiation with one-dimensional convolution plus two-dimensional back projection) gets replaced with two-dimensional back projection followed by the two-dimensional convolution. On one hand, this interchange appears valid because of the linearity of all transformations. On the other hand, this gives ability to handle geometrically irregular data peculiar to seismic surveys. Also, the simplified and less expensive (from computational perspective) version of CBP algorithm is developed and called stacking deviations (SD) algorithm. 



The approach described above has been implemented as software system “Geotomo” and it has been applied to wide range of geo-seismic problems. For one example, presented on the Figure 3, we consider the investigation of the tectonic zone in the salt mine obtained with cross-mine seismic screening between the two drifts. The CBR algorithm appeared unacceptable for the reconstruction of velocity section so we applied the iterative algorithm SIRT (Figure 3a). On the contrary, CBR and SD algorithms appeared to be the best options for the reconstruction of absorption-scattering factor enabling to detect the
distinctive anomalies (Figure 3b). Respectively, the different cell sizes have been found more appropriate for different sections and algorithms. The special interpretative processing (such as threshold differentiation based on clustering technique) applied to results of the reconstruction made the results more informative from geological perspective and enabled to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (Figure 3c). Finally, the combination of different sections obtained using different algorithms enabled to obtain the versatile information about the geological object of study.


The integrated approach for treating the travel times and dynamic characteristics of seismic waves for the tomography reconstruction is developed. The approach enables to use the same algorithmic framework for direct reconstruction of velocity sections (from the travel times) and sections of absorption-scattering factor (from the preprocessed amplitudes). The combined reconstruction of velocity sections and sections of absorption-scattering factor, for different observation geometries makes the interpretation more informative and allows to exclude artifacts appearing because of errors specific to travel-times or amplitude data or certain data collection schemes. The developed correction of back projection algorithm is developed and it appears to be useful for the localization of weak heterogeneities and reconstruction of complex structures. The different types of seismic data (travel times or amplitudes) may require different reconstruction algorithms or different settings for algorithms (such as cell sizes for reconstructions or amount of iterations). The “Geotomo” software system appears to be the suitable tool for described investigations (the system is presented on the World Wide Web at


We are grateful to S.S. Andreiko (Belorussian VNII of Halurgy) who provided the field seismic data, Y.P. Menshikov (Bazhenovskaya Geophysical Expedition) who supported development of the “Geotomo” system, and A.D. Ruban (A.A. Skochinsky Institute of Mining) who encouraged the research.


1. Hermen G, Reconstruction of images by projections: Basics of reconstructive tomography. - Moscow: Mir, 1983. - 353 pp.

2. Belfer I.K., Nepomnyashih I.A., Seismic tomography. - Moscow.: VIEMS, 1988. - 70 pp.

3. Kolonin A.G., Possibility of using transmission seismic waves for local inhomogeneities localization. - Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk, 1988, V.3, pp.101-110.

4. Kolonin A.G., Seismic tomography using the amplitudes of seismic waves. - Russian Geophysical Journal, Saint Petersburg, 2002, 25-25, pp. 12-18

1 ProProGroup, PO Box 346, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia,            phone: 383-2-106-463,