Why ORL?

Anton Kolonin, June 10 1998

Basically, there are two sources of knowledge

Actually, there is four ways to obtain knowledge

Pure facts are

Distilled knowledge is

There are two known approaches to express knowledge links

Let us consider that multi-valued smooth-logic approach is better. This way, we have to care about weight factor support. If we decide to implement it just by real number than we face some problems.

ORL programming language provides another approach to present "weights". In terms of ORL, "distilled knowledge" means "class". Class is presented dually

The trick is that class (knowledge) is alive while objects (facts) are present. When there's no objects, class is ready to disappear. Much more, no one can just remove or add some object (fact) to present certain class (knowledge). One have to prove the consistence of object with other related objects to add it, or to keep the integrity of related objects removing any number of them. This way, weight factor is not maintained artificially, but is managed automatically just in terms of correct adding or removing of facts. The said remains correct for any distributed environment.

Why is it available in ORL only?

The key feature of ORL is broken wall between object and class.

Since today, you can realize and implement, that

Indeed, ORL engine starts from two objects. Those objects are

So, it is possible to use ORL-driven MDL language to

It is important that ORL does not mean certain kind of data storage. As SQL, ORL means just data definition and data manipulation interface between any client and any server (between application and database or between two remote applications). Not like SQL, ORL provides

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